Garc SpA_B Corp_Carpi_Modena

Waste Selection and Treatment Platform

Thanks to a new investment of about € 3 Mln (beyond the initial € 10 Mln), Ca.Re. Srl -company owned by Aimag, Garc and Unieco- is now equipped with a technologically advanced plant, with an authorized capacity of 60,000 tons per year.

The new plant equipped with an innovative system optical reader is able to ensure best results with a high sorting accuracy of separation and recovery of recyclable materials, minimizes the final presence of waste materials, reaching peaks of 97% of compliant material and consequently minimizing the amount of waste going to landfill.

It may certainly be considered the best expression of the state of the art in the context of the installations of this type, and certain reference point for all operators in the sector.
